Life Science / Technology Services Ι DNA sequencing

DNA sequencing

Our DNA sequencing service guarantees fast and reliable results with long reading ranges and high accuracy.

Dideoxy-sequencing is performed using plasmid templates or directly from PCR-products using the MegaBace1000 fluorescent based capillary DNA Analysis System. Read lengths are typically 700-900 bases, with a >98,5% accuracy.

Your data are delivered electronically within a few days in any available format that is convenient for your DNA Analysis application.

We also offer further analysis of your raw data using alignment and sequence comparison software.

Plasmid Sequencing

Plasmid sequencing service is performed for common vectors like e.g. M13, T7, T3, SP6 and CMV with standard sequencing primers.

For other vectors a setup fee will be charged for the design of appropriate primers with the first order. If required forward and reverse sequencing of your insert can be provided.

Direct Sequencing

For your convenience, we offer direct sequencing starting from genomic DNA. Save time and money: Let our experts design PCR and sequencing primers for optimal results.
If you perform the PCR yourself you can send us your PCR products and you will get the sequencing results. Please note that we need either one or both PCR-primers for sequencing and additional sequencing primers for larger Fragments.

High Throughput

When you are planning a high throughput sequencing project, please contact us for details. We will be happy to support your R&D project with our experience and our state of the art sequencing equipment.

Managing your sequence project

For your convenience, Bioglobe is fully prepared to manage your complete sequence project. Save time and money by letting our experts design PCR and sequencing primers for optimal results, as well as perform alignments and screening of your data using the latest analysis applications.